Thursday, September 15, 2011

Series Of Five Black and White

These are a series of five photographs taken over the last couples of days. I thought long and hard when it came to selecting five. The log cabin was the hardest and the one I appreciate the most due to the white and grey balance it originally had. The second would have to be the two crosses. They just so happen to align to each other to make a nice shot. I hope everyone enjoy the photographs I have chosen.


  1. Charles, I agree with your assessment of the log cabin photograph. It is, no doubt, the strongest. That looks like mid-morning--a great time for b&w photography. Since the low sun gave you such strong contrast to start off with, playing with the levels to give the dark black that extra "umph" and make the whites even brighter did the trick. However, there's an interesting sense of composition in the first two images. I like this sense of mystery happening in both (with the water tower obscured in one and a pile of I-don't-know-what as the subject of the other). The gazebo is the weakest one, mostly because the composition is less exciting that the others.

  2. I really like the cabin pic. Great work!

  3. You seemed to have a great angle and just the right lighting on the log cabin. I really liked the "luminous" cross and as you said the alignment with the other cross.Great job!

  4. I like the cabin one the most! Great work!

  5. I like theses they are very good. But, although its my favorite, the one with the cross/tombstone seem a smidgen lighter than the others
