Monday, October 10, 2011

Series Of Eight

Went back and pull the colors out. This is the best close up photo.

This is a motion shot. Took out most of the gray and red. This is my favorite action.

Played with the yellows and oranges.

I using this photo as a close up. There is also motion in the photo. The colors speak over the motion.

This is a motion with great motion blur.
This too is a great photo of motion blur. I had to clear alot of noise in thie photo.
close up of a trumpet keys. Eventhough there are other objects in the photo the last key stands out.Had to darken the green and brighten the gold.

This is a motion photo. Not much to say on this photo. The edit on this was light.


  1. The trumpet is by far my favorite! love it

  2. Charles, the two you chose for critique are no doubt the strongest. We spoke already about the insect image in class. The image of the girl frozen in mid-jump is working really well in two ways: 1) The motion is frozen nicely. 2) The COLOR! Look at the warmth of the bricks, the man's shorts, and the skin of your models against the nice cool blue of the sky. That color combination is working. The fishing float is the weakest of the bunch.

  3. I really like the second image as well as the sixth. Great work!

  4. I really like #1 and 2 the most, but I like all of your pictures. I think you did great work!
